2016: Speaker Event: Recruited and made arrangements for speaker from Kennesaw State University to discuss his research on desegregating the work place at Lockheed-Georgia in the 1950s. Event co-sponsored by School of Liberal Arts and School of Business. Georgia Gwinnett College.
2016: Paper Session on History of Capitalism in American South, “Modernizing Capitalism in the Antebellum South,” American Historical Association.
2015: Speaker Event: Recruited and made arrangements for independent historian of early Georgia History to speak on the effect of the Yazoo Fraud on Indian Removal and the expansion of slavery in Jacksonian Georgia. Georgia Gwinnett College.
2013: Paper Session on Jacksonian Banking, Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.
2012: Speaker Event: Recruited and made arrangements for speaker from Gainesville State College to discuss the effects of creating Atlanta’s major water source, Lake Lanier, in the early 1950s. Georgia Gwinnett College.
2012: Paper Session on race and antebellum industrialization, Organization of American Historians.
2010: Speaker Event: Recruited and made arrangements for town hall meeting with the editor and author of the history textbook (The American Promise) used at Georgia Gwinnett College.
2009: Program & Local Arrangements Committees, Southern Industrialization Project. Recruited papers for SIP sponsored session at Southern Historical Association in Louisville, KY. Helped arrange industrial history bus tour.
2009: Speaker Event Recruited and made arrangements for speaker from state archives to discuss the discovery of Georgia’s lost copy of the Declaration of Independence. Georgia Gwinnett College.
2008: Program Committee, Southern Industrialization Project. Recruited papers for SIP sponsored session at Southern Historical Association in New Orleans. Chaired annual business meeting.
2008: Speaker Event: Recruited and made arrangements for speaker from Centers for Disease Control to talk on the 90th anniversary of the 1918 Spanish Flu (H1N1) Pandemic. Arranged to make flu shots available following talk. Georgia Gwinnett College.
2007: Program Committee, Southern Industrialization Project. Recruited papers for SIP sponsored session at Southern Historical Association in Richmond.
2006: Program & Local Arrangements Committees, Southern Industrialization Project. Recruited papers for SIP sponsored session at Southern Historical Association in Birmingham. Arranged catered offsite reception at historic industrial site for keynote address.
2003: Program Committee, Southern Industrialization Project. Recruited academic papers and discussants for annual conference in Nashville.
2002: Speaker Event: Recruited Russel Graham Hodges to discuss sources for investigating slavery in colonial New Jersey with graduate students. William Paterson University.
2001: Speaker Event: Recruited Philip Scranton to discuss sources for investigating industrial history in New Jersey with graduate students. William Paterson University.
1996-1997: Program and Local Arrangements Chair, Organized inaugural Southern Industrial Project meetings held at Georgia Teach (1997) and at Emory (1996) in Atlanta.