1998 Photos


Wes is Born on May 11, 1998

Audry meets her brother for the first time

Vacation in Saint George’s Island in Florida, in June/July 1998

Getting Ready for Florida Beach Vacation after Wes was born
MariBeth gets Audry ready to go
Audry found a friend at the Plantation at St Georges Island
Audry positions Wes for photo.
Audry and Wes at the beach house. Wes is about a month old.
Audry is Queen of the Pool!
Always making friends!
Out on the Beach, Very Windy, But Wes has a tent.
Another new friend, this time at the beach.
Audry’s favorite pool toy, Sharkey, which she is sharing with a friend.
Audry, Mom & Sharkey.
We spent more time at the pool than at the beach, due to the windiness.
Uncle Allan’s Family joins us at the beach for a few days
Aunt Alice cooking
Cousin Thomas is on the left side of the photo
Cousin Thomas
Uncle Allan and Audry in Pool
Mom, Aunt Alice, Thomas, Uncle Allan & Audry
Uncle Allan & Thomas
Meanwhile, back at the Beach House later that day
Audry finishes a lap with her water wings

Wes’ Baptism in July 1998

Grandmother Gagnon holding Wes. Grandfather Gagnon right behind her
Uncle David was Wes’ godfather.
Wes had 2 godmothers: Aunt Alane & Cousin Carie
At the Church
Father Laura was the priest who baptized Wes
Cousin Amy holds Wes
Uncle Steve & Rosie
Aunt Meg & Cousin Thomas
Audry shows cousins Savannah & Marisa her room

August 1998

Many an hour were spent in this front room
Audry chills on Mom & Dad’s bed
In Wes’ Room
Audry’s best friends in the year before pre-K on the left: Griffin & Chas
Aunt Frances & Amy help Dad take Audry & Wes to a Falcon’s Preseason Game. Mom had to gone for work.
Profoundly confident, and queen of her domain
Halloween 1998
Probably around Christmas 1998